Here's a list of online resources per my post regarding not being alone!
How to build a water level is located at the BuildEazy web site. They are simple to build and great for leveling posts.

The Renovate Forum which I have been a member of for a number of years is a great all round resource for building advice, specifically for decking there is the decking topic

Kopper's No Nail decking thread on the Renovate forum is a great place to learn from another weekend warrior about the challenges of building a no-nail deck

The decking span tables thread on the Renovate forum are a great resources to tell you the distances you can have between posts, bearers, joists and cantilevers for specific types of timbers and configurations.
The Deck Calculator on the site helps you figure out the quantities of timber needed for your deck as well as a pile of other great tools.

The Blocklayer site also has lots of other really great tools available that cover all kinds of weird and wonderful calculators in both metric and imperial

The site is a great resource for learning how to build all sorts of things, and has a particularly good article available on stair construction.
The stair calculator page from the Russian based 'construction calculator' site is a super straight forward tool to calculate building stair stringers

The Building Code of Australia regulations for stair construction on the Oz Stair site deals with tread depth, riser height, railing requirements, banisters etc. in Australia.

This one is not an on-line resource as such, it's a book, but I think just about the only place you can pick it up it on-line. It's called The Complete Guide to Decks by Black & Decker (yes the tool company!). It's a very good book that lays out how to build a deck and includes heaps of tips and very good photos. If you ever see a copy make sure you snap it up!
The Book Depository will ship it free to Australia (or anywhere in the world) for around AUD $35.
If there's anything I have missed you think is worth including please leave a comment and I'll add it in.
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