Tuesday 3 March 2015

Let's make a lawn (dum de de dum)

The area to the south west I've designated as a lawn area. It's going to be a challenge with all the trees around it, but it still gets a fair amount of sunlight so I am hoping a drought tolerant buffalo is going to be able to survive the conditions.

Once the area had been cleared it was a simple matter of adding in the soil, levelling and grading the surface ready for the turf to be laid. 

The surface is complete and a red gum border put around the edge.

The beds around the lawn are being prepared and further landscaping with rocks in the sloped area up to the house.

It should look nice when it's all green instead of dirt coloured! I am planning in using "instant turf" instead of seed in order to obtain the greenery that little bit quicker for impatient people like me.

Here's my number one (and only!) son showing off what a great job he has done running around making footprints! The surface is now prepared and ready for the grass and all the beds mulched nicely.

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