Friday 13 March 2015

Paving the way with crazy paving. Like totally cray cray!

Now that the wall has been completed and we have a lovely flat surface to build on, it's time to lay down the next item in the grand plan, the paving at the side of the house. The paving will once again be sandstone laid in a crazy pattern as per the circular paved area at the bottom of the garden, keeping the continuity across the garden.

There's a couple of sections in the side area to be built; the paved area has a curved edge at the bottom that will eventually join up with the back deck, and a curved edge at the top that connects to a gravel path. The path then meanders up to join where the side deck will be; and at either side of the path will be a smaller garden bed on the left against the stone wall, and a larger one on the right which my study looks out on. In the picture below you can see that the jigsaw pieces are waiting to be laid. Is it just me or does this project seem to be a giant puzzle?

In the photo below you can see the paving coming together nicely, as well as the new garden bed being established on the right. The really tricky bit is going to come down the track when I have to get the decking to line up perfectly with the edge of the paving. 
The orange brickies string marker you can see on the wall (in both above and below pictures) shows the anticipated height of the deck at the back door of the house, and then there is two steps down from there onto the deck proper. I measured the height of the two steps down and then made a mark on the wall where I thought the deck level should be, and then ran a stringline up the side of the house for Stefan to follow. To be safe and assist in things lining up, he also didn't complete the bottom of the paving around the curve. That will be finished after the decking goes down just to be sure that everything lines up nicely! (I hope!)
Below is the completed paved area, as well as the gravel path and the garden beds.
Below is the same picture from a different angle looking down towards the bottom of the yard. The gravel path consists of compacted Lilydale Toppings (crushed limestone of varying grades, for those who don't live in Melbourne!). The edging is 2 inch Red Gum. I must think of something to cover up the hot water service. Any suggestions are more than welcome!
Next stop in the build is the retaining wall, steps, and upper clothesline area at the top of the yard.
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